We haven't done a lot. We are kind of at a standstill too. We need to replace the vent pipe as someone used it as a stud when handing the paneling in the bathroom. And we need to re-frame the closet. We took out the stairs so now we need to make it truly two closets and make an access hatch for the crawl space. Then we can finish drywalling so we can paint and replace the floor. Once we get those two things done, we should be able to fly through the drywalling and flooring since we already have it.
Here is how the 2nd bedroom looks right now.
That greenish yellow is the back of the tub/shower. And that is the pipe we need to replace. The cat loves to sneak into this room and crawl under the tub.
Can't wait to have a back wall on my closet again. :) And to bring all my clothes back up. I only keep Matt's shirts and my clothes for the week upstairs.
Half the carpet has been torn up. The rest will go when the drywall is on the wall and not stacked on the floor. Scraping that carpet padding up will be a challenge. We are doing a laminate wood floor though so we need to get the sub floor as smooth as we can.
So that is where we are right now. I'm hoping to replace the vent pipe this weekend so we can finish drywalling that wall. We are planning on moving temporarily into that room once it is finished so that we can do our room next.
1 comment:
Good luck. Home ownership is a never-ending fix-it job.
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