Friday, August 27, 2010

A Closet and A Hallway and A Standstill

A couple of Fridays ago, I was randomly bored so I decided to paint the bathroom closet. I could describe to you just how awful it was but in this case, pictures can speak a thousand words.

Awful, isn't it? What worse? Look at what came out of it. And this isn't even everything.

After a coat of (yet more) leftover bedroom paint, it now looks like this:

Please excuse the awful shelf paper job. We had just moved in and I was exhausted when I did it.

Also tackled recently was the tearing down of the the paneling in the hallway. Here it what it used to look like:

Here is what it looks like without the dark, fake wood paneling:

I'm not going to be able to paint it right away like planned though. We have decided to replace the drywall. It was put up with nails instead of screws and they have started to pop. Plus, most the seams looks like this:

But, until I can get a job, we can't afford to buy the new drywall.

We have also run into a couple other problems. We decided to do the guest room as well but the center wall sinks. So we need to go into the basement and jack up the wall before we start any drywall anyway. So, we are at a standstill until we can afford to do more work.

I am, however, still doing all the prep work. Next week I will begin to tear up the carpeting in the guest room and in the hallway. And I will need to rearrange things in the new guest bedroom (the third bedroom in the basement we usually use more for storage) so that we can get to where we need to put the floor jack. We had to take everything out of the second bedroom and put it in the third bedroom. Except for the desk which we put in the living room.

Everything is pretty much in upheaval but that is what happens when you live in a fixer-upper. :)

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